Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Inspirations Galore

Man, does my internet deserve a whooping right now. Technically I can't be too mad since I've been stealing wireless from various sources since moving into my new apt. 4 weeks ago, and thus getting it free, but now it's stopped working for the most part. I am an internetaholic and get almost panicky if I go too long without being able to look up that restaraunt I passed in the cab or the new shoes I saw in Forever 21. BUT, Friday the roomies and I are shelling it out for a router, so it should be much easier to get a fix after that.

Anyhoo, I'm taking this opportunity to update on here, so off we go!
My two bigs inspirations/drool inducers of the moment are the S/S 09 Louis Vuitton collection, Tom Binns, and the Diorette rings. Shall we take a looksie at what exactly I'm talking about?
Aren't they GORGEOUS!!! The textures and patterns along with the feathers and chunky beaded necklaces are amazing. My favorite is the orange/purple striped shirt with the bronze skirt. Its such a bold choice for any woman to wear, especially with the shoes.

The two rings are Diorette and they're a beautiful combination of amethyst, diamond, and topaz. They're so perfectly whimsical, how could you not help but smile when wearing one of these on your fingers? The diamond necklace and the blue gem cuff are Tom Binns, which is a relatively new discovery of mine (not that I'm the one who discovered him). They are chunky and have a lovely mix of antinque and modern. I'm seeing seeing so many chunky, tangled necklaces in magazines these days, but Mr. Binns is by far my favorite.
Ok lovers,
Ta for now

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